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Karoll Brokerage ranks #1 by number of deals on the Bulgarian Stock Exchange for 17th consecutive year with more than 30% market share.
Karoll Brokerage ranked in the top 3 investment intermediaries with highest turnover from trades, worth nearly BGN 77 million.
Karoll Capital Management received a mandate to represent Schroders in Romania. m.
Karoll Capital Management was featured in the prestigious TIME magazine with focus on the company asset management experience for Emerging Europe markets.
Karoll Capital Management started a project with british representative in line the investment strategy for eastern europe.
Karoll Knowledge Foundation: launched an one-of-a-kind training program for PhD students and young scientists called 'Entrepreneurs in Science', which culminated with a competition for the best business project of a young scientist, awarding the winner a prize of BGN 30,000.