- For 9th consecutive year Karoll Brokerage ranked #1 by number of deals on the Bulgarian Stock Exchange with 20.04% market share.
- The funds managed by Karoll Capital Management occupied the first two places among all mutual funds in Bulgaria in terms of annual return - the 2010 return of Advance IPO Fund is +23.85 %, and that of Advance Eastern Europe: +20.48 %.
- Karoll Brokerage is the first to offer margin trading deals and short saling on the Bulgarian Stock Exchange.
- Karoll Standard opened 23 new offices. The premium income jumped by 75%.
- SEP Bulgaria (System for Electronic Payments, a subsidiary of Advance Equity Holding) introduced mobile payments in Bulgaria.
- Advance Terrafund REIT is included in all four BSE indices.
- Karoll Financial Group launched its educational initiative "Learning in Practice". 6 students successfully completed the internship program.