- Karoll Brokerage is the number one trader on the BSE for the 16th consecutive year with 30% of all deals on the stock exchange.
- Karoll Brokerage awarded "Best brokerage in Bulgaria for 2017" by renowned financial magazine "Banker".
- Advance Terrafund REIT won a prize from the Association of Bulgarian Investor Relations Directors (ABIRD) in the category "Best practices in communication with investors and interested parties" for 2017.
- Karoll Capital Management adopted the UN principles for responsible investment
- Karoll Capital Management won a mandate for Eastern Europe from the Korean Federation of SMEs (K-Biz)
- Karoll Capital Management stepped into Canada through a new strategic partner - Cheverny Capital.
- Karoll Capital Management attracted new BGN 60 million in Schroders funds to a total of BGN 260 million.
- Karoll Capital Management funds for Eastern Europe took the first two places in profitability for 2017.
- Karoll Standard expanded with 15 new insurance offices across the country.
- Karoll Standard successfully completed the European Employment Promotion project "New Workplace".
- For yet another year, Karoll Standard was awarded by insurance companies in the following categories: Top 10 Partners, Loyal Partner, Good Portfolio Management.
- Karoll Corporate University held in various projects training over 500 students and students.